A little about me …

Hey all! My name is Giannela Beltrame and I am currently a registered nurse pursuing my bachelors degree in nursing. I came to CityTech directly after high school, so I have been here for quite a number of years. As you can all imagine, I am very excited and anxious to be the first college graduate in my family and begin to dedicate some time to them. I come from a very humble family of six, which includes both my parents, sister, and my two dogs Milo and Daisy. I have lived in New York my whole life and ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be in the medical field. I remember wanting to be a pediatrician, but was intimidated by the number of school years required and not to mention, the cost! Therefore, I decided to start off as nurse and then work my way up to being a doctor. It just so happens that I fell in love with the nursing profession that I have decided to continue as one. I have seen how nurses spend time with patients at the bedside and get to know the patient on a personal level, something that as a doctor I probably could not achieve. I like meeting and getting to know people and this career has made that possible. Nursing has truly sparked a desire in me that I never thought thought could. Loving your job is such an important factor because it will never feel like a burden, but rather something you look forward to every morning when you wake up.

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