Chapter 2 – chapter 7 Janelle Alleyne

To start off this blog post, I do want to express how much I like the book. It just brings out so much emotions as the reader such as anger, humor, sadness. This is just a really good book. The part of the reading that stood out most to me was the part where John indian comes to visit tituba. During this scene he proved to me more and more of how much of a weak man he is. He would be considered “smart” when it comes to surviving but when it comes to having dignity, he has none. I didn’t think he could get any worse, but stooping so low to become one of the accusers, acting as if he has been harmed by kicking and screaming like the “little girls” did, and accusing innocent people. I would not want to be associated with John Indian at all. To me John Indian is really the worst kind of man, but then chapter 8, he proves himself even more to be the worst kind of person. Another part that stood out to me in the reading was the death of Hester. Hester showed herself to become like family to Tituba. Hester and Tituba shared almost a sisterly relationship. when Tituba found out about her death and how it occurred it was similar to the scene when her mother died. when her mother died Tituba repeated “they hanged my mother” three times and when Hester dies she repeated “hanged herself?” three times. I feel that Hester’s death is significant because it brings back to Tituba the memories of he moms death and it also brings back the death of her unborn child who will never experience “the curse of day”, and just like tituba experienced a moment of feeling lost after her moms death she experiences the same feeling after Hester’s death.

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