I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem 2-7 PT.II

In chapters two through seven, an important theme to notice is when Hester is hanged and Tituba has dreams of her. Although there are hints of sexuality for a woman and also foreshadowing of Tituba’s death it is important to notice the highlight of feminism. Hester’s spirit is closely correlated with feminism more so than Abena and Mama Yaya’s spirits. The innocent, independent idealists similar to Hester that have been persecuted over the years.

Lastly, in chapter seven, Tituba’s last line “Few people have the misfortune to be born twice” showcases significant irony. In Christianity being born again is celebrated as people are baptized and devote their new lives by living through Christ. This is a blessing for Christians; however, Tituba perceives this as more suffering and a curse.

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