I, tituba chapter 5-9 Janelle Alleyne

A significant part of the reading was on page 42 where she was telling about how she would tell stories of anancy the spider, soukougnans and the hag who rides along on her three legged horse. It reminded so much of the stories my mom and aunts used to tell me all throughout my child hood but it isn’t soukougnans, it’s soukouyant and instead of a hag on a three legged horse it’s a woman with legs of a horse called jabless. My aunts would often tell me of the stories where they have seen a soukouyant and actually seeing spirits. Another past that stood out to me was Samuel Paris character. It puzzled me that he, who is a minister and a strong believer in the Christian faith, struck his wife. As a minister you’re expected to be slow to anger and humble but he showed hisself to be as low and ruthless as any other person. Even when tituba was putting the girls to bed and the niece asked her is she not gonna say her prayers or her uncle will whip Betsy. It showed that they feared him as if he was the devil himself.

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