Krystal Corry – The History of Mary Prince (Pages 20-41)

Continuing to read “The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave” (pages 20-41) I was astonished that although Mary was degraded in my eyes, and totally stripped of her humanity from being a slave she still found herself in the midst of it all. Mary has gotten married! This was a turning point for me in the story because I thought just maybe Mary could live a ‘somewhat’ normal life. However, when Mary married Mr. Woods, Mr. D was immensely raged. I disliked the fact that all of this tension was directed to poor old Mary, who only sought like I said, a ‘normality’. Mr. D than began to treat Mary very harshly solely for the reason that she was now a married a women. I felt Mary was still strong threw all of this, because shes amazing, shes Mary Prince. I liked the way that her self worth was always there even when times got tough. I’m interested in continuing my reading, and reading more stories for this class based on similar situations.

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