Venice Golding- Mary Prince Post page 1-19

The moment in this text that I find interesting is when Mary Prince explains at the bottom of page 19 how she went back to Bermuda and was told that there is now a place that the slaves have built from boughs and leaves where they can now gather for prayers. The text had not mentioned that the slaves were allowed to pray or had gone as far as to designate a place to meet.For them prayer and gathering might had been their way to tolerate all the ill-treatment that they were facing and it was also a sense of hope for them.

Now I find this passage significant because one might argue and say that they were under slavery so they did not have the freedom to pray and gather in the manner that they wanted to. An example that adds to the meaning of this text is in today’s society where we don’t have this kind of cruelty and bondage going on yet there are people that still cannot express their beliefs and spirituality with complete freedom. For instance, just as though the “white people” pulled down the place the slaves built, today there are people of different races and background that go into others place of worship and torment them by burning down the building, defacing it or committing mass homicides.

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