Breath. Eyes. Memory. Ch. 28-end

Near the end of the novel, I found something very significant in this scene. When Sophie visited Rena’s office, the latter asked how her mother was doing. Sophie said to Rena that her mother, Martine was in herĀ state of mind. In addition, Martine was pregnant. Her plan was to get rid of her baby by abortion. The reason Martine planned to sent her baby to abortion because she heard the baby saying mean things to her.Ā Rena believed Martine needed an exorcism before planning to abort the baby. This scene is very similar to the novel, I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem. For example, TitubaĀ hadĀ a child after the former was born from the rape and had experienced tragedy and pain. Unfortunately, Tituba could not raised this child and threw theĀ infant inĀ the fire. Another scene I found very importantĀ from Breath, Eyes, Memory was Martine’s death. After Martine committed suicide, Sophie felt devastated of her death because she did not support despite their relationship being restored.

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