Krystal Corry – Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat (20-27)

As I continued reading the novel Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat chapters 20-27 I was extremely surprised that Sophie’s mother, Martine has come to Haiti. I was even more surprised that she had planned for Sophie to take her back to New York City within three days to be with her husband. I found this very hypocritical of Sophie’s mother, Martine. The reason I say this is because the entire time Sophie spent in New York with her mother raising her, her mothers spent all of those years keeping Sophie pure, and away from men. Martine did not allow Sophie to think of men, breathe near men, or even look at men. So because of this it shocked me that all of a sudden because Sophie has a child with a man it is now her duty to be at his every beck-and-call. It proves that Martine still believed that a wife is to be compliant with her husband, and be only dedicated to him. Now, when I see that Martine tries to take back Sophie is proves that she has a lot of growing to do, and it made me curious to know if she will ever change as I further continued to read.

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