Breath, Eyes, Memory Chap 20-27

The significant moment that I found in the reading is when Tante Atie got the leeches for the lump that she had in her calf. She puts the leech on her skin as a means to heal her and stop the pain that she is in by removing her blood. I think that the moment is significant because Sophie witnesses this and she states that she can feel her head spinning and her stomach tuning inside out. I believe this is because she witnessed all the blood that the leeches were sucking out of Tante Atie, it could be that she thinks that all this blood was a waste, as she had wasted her own blood with the pestle. We read early in the text where she herself lost her own blood in a different manner when she used to pestle on herself. Or maybe she looked at the leeches as something small but was able to pull so much blood from Tante atie, in contrast to the pestle that might have seemed to her a small act to inflict on herself but in the end caused huge outcomes as it gave her freedom and the chance for her to be with Joseph.

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