Breath, Eyes, Memory 20-27

This reading continued with Sophie in Haiti, along with Tante Atie, (who is starting to act different) and with Grandmother Ifé. The reading picks up when Martine says she doesn’t know where Sophie is, and has been contacted by Joseph that he doesn’t know where she is either, meaning, Sophie has told no one that she was going to Haiti. A question that is raised is ‘Why would Sophie leave without telling Joseph?’. When Martine arrives in Haiti, Sophie is tense and does not want to approach her, and Martine tells her family that she will only be in Haiti for 3 days. Something that stuck out to me during this reading were 3 things. 1 was describing what would happen if a male child, or a female child was born. If a male child was born, then there would be a light on, however, if a female was born, the mother would have to walk in darkness. Light can be used as a symbol for freedom, and hope, meaning that females are born with no freedom and no hope. Another thing that stuck out was the story where the man had cut open the female because he wanted her to bleed during her first time, but she didn’t. It shows that a man would kill a woman, to prove to others that she is pure, for his own sake. The last thing that stuck out to me was when Martine was telling Sophie why she had tested her. What stuck out to me was when Martine said that when she was raped, she was happy the testing stopped. This only proves how much torture being tested was to these women. If you would gladly get your “freedom” through rape, what kind of torture were you enduring before. This can be seen from both the eyes of Martine, and Sophie.

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