Breathe, Eyes, Memory 13-19

In this part of the story, we see that Sophie returns to Haiti with her newborn daughter, Bridgette, to visit Tante Atie, and her Grandmother Ifé (who we see that Sophie names her daughter after her grandmother). As Sophie returns, we learn that Tante Atie and her grandmother have not been getting along as they used to. We also see some foreshadowing about Sophie’s child Bridgette. They make some subtleties that this child looks very similar to her mother, and that the childs face looks like they can see the entire family. The part of the reading that stuck out the most to me while reading was when Ifé was giving the story about the bird and the little girl. It showed that the girl would have to give her heart up if she followed the bird, and how the little girl tricked the bird by telling it that she left her heart home. In a sense, the bird would be Joseph, and Sophie, the little girl, except in this case, the bird had captured the girl. This is probably something Sophie realized, but never fully accepted.

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