Breath, Eyes, Memory Chap 13-19

The significant moment that I found in this part of the reading is when Sophie opens up to her grandmother and tells her what she is going through with her husband. Sophie is saying that she is not enjoying “being” with her husband, I sort of find this moment ironic because the very thing that her mother was trying to keep her from doing she no longer find pleasure in doing even with the freedom of having a husband. Her mother tested her to make sure that she was not touched and remained pure. she believed that it is important for her to keep herself for her husband. Well now she has her husband and she cannot be with him as a wife should.  I believe that this is because of the tests that her mother used to do on her it traumatized her to the point when she dislikes her own body and doesn’t want to share it with her husband. I also think that what she did to herself with the pestle has somehow caused some complications for her. One can say that the mother was correct from the beginning in that if the mother should hear of what Sophie is going through then she would have said I told you so and that she should have listen, that it is Sophie’s decisions that is caused her to feel this way.

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