Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapter 9-12

I’m totally in shocked by what I read in the ending of chapter 12! I cannot believe Mattune actually tested Sophie. I had a feeling it would of eventually happen but I thought she was better than that. If she hated it when her own mother did it to her, why would she implicate that type of torture for someone else especially her daughter! I felt so bad for Sophie. She was forced to come to New York, leaving all her happiness and innocence for a place that has been nothing but agony. I find it very strange what she told Sophie as she was doing the test. It’s as if she expected Sophie to be by her side for the rest of her life, to not love, to not meet someone, and to not feel happiness. It seems like she wants her to feel what she felt as a child. What I said in my previous post about hoping that Sophie’s decisions not having an affect on her mother made me feel so disappointed. My new hopes is that Sophie gets treated well from the person she chose to marry.

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