Breathe, Eyes, Memory 9-12

In chapter 9, Sophie, who is now attending college, meets Joseph. Joseph, who is a musician who is 2 months younger than Sophies mother, starts to fall in love with Sophie, and vice versa. The mood throughout this chapter is relaxing and gentle, and you start to see Sophie start to “rebel”.  In the chapter, Sophie quotes something Tante Atie had said about love being a rain, and that you could drown in it. At the end of the chapter, Sophie says that the music she was hearing were like raindrops and torrents. Sophie even realizes that she is feeling something, she know she shouldn’t be feeling. This leads to a foreshadowing of things that may happen later. She starts off with a “gentle rain”, but she may end up drowning. She Later on in the reading, starts to get tested by her mother since her mother is now aware of Joseph. We find that she uses a pestle to make it seem that she has lost her virginity, which has her mother fooled. She then goes to Joseph and tells him that she wants to get married. While giving the story of the woman who was constantly bleeding, she says that the woman wants to become a butterfly. Her doing this act, means that she wants to be like a butterfly. She was “held captive” by her mother and wants to be “free”, not realizing that she is already a captive to Joseph.

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