Breath, Eyes, Memory Chap 9-12

The significant moment that I read in the text was the ending of chapter 12. We found out the Sophie’s mother suspects her and begins to test her, just as how her mother used to do to her. Honestly I never knew anything about this kind of testing until I read this book but I suppose that it has to do with culture. I think if you want to know if someone is involved then you ask and accept what they tell you and if you have to test to satisfy your own knowledge of being certain then you lack trust, if I was Sophie then I would not have any trust for that person. Also it is just puzzling why a mother would want to test a 18 year old, she was with her for six years and she never tested her until she expressed her love interest. she kept mentioning that she there is not secret that can be kept for a mother as she found out about Sophie and Joseph. I believe that Sophie wanted so badly to break away from her mother that’s was why she used the Pestle stick,  and I was so confused as to why the mother was so quick to tell Sophie that she could go and be with Joseph after she tested her for the last time and found that she was not the same, as if to say that you are no longer the pure daughter that I wanted to have.

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