Breath, Eyes, Memory: Chapters 5-8

I’m really happy to see a relationship forming between Sophie and her mother. I was expecting them to have a negative effect on one another and that they would always argue. However, that wasn’t the case. I believe that Sophie’s mom respects her very much and wants the best for her. She wants her to becareful and is making sure that she’s safe and protected without going overboard like what her mother did to her when she was young. I’m also very pleased to know that Sophie loves her mom is return. Although she does not want to say it, the fact that that love is there, is what matters. She respected her mother’s words when she said she should stay in school, focus on her education and not get distracted by the other people in her age group. She also respected her mother by not getting into a relationship until she was 18.

I find it so funny that every parent wishes their child to become a doctor some point in their life and to have a boyfriend when they are old. I just hope that the choices Sophie makes in her life does not hurt her mother and doesn’t affect their relationship.

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