Breath, Eyes, Memory Chap 5-8

The significant moment that I found in the text was when Sophie finally made it to New York to be with her mother.  I found this moment significant because if finally gave the mother a charter in the book and we also start to get a sense of who she is. It also put into perspectives why she was in New York in the first place, it was to provide her family with a better life though she herself wasn’t living the best of it. She had an old car and the apartment that she lived in was not the cleanest nor the best place to live. I am sure that is not the reality that Sophie was expecting to face when she heard that she was coming to New York. Whatever the mother could do to please her daughter she was willing to do. She kept a doll in place of her daughter for so long it shows that she missed her and longed to have her living with her. overall the moment shows that the mother was hard working and that even though she wasn’t living a lavish life she made a sacrifice for her family as she told Sophie that if she gets an education then they all would’ve won.

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