Breath eyes memory 5-8

Tante Antie and Sophie’s mom pretended to live a life they really didn’t, often doing very risky stuff. Even though they had ambitions to be doctors and do good for their village they pretended to already live that life to impress others. Going back to my last post about how the last reading reminded me of the Dominican Republic, when Sophie’s mother tells her you will work hard because you can raise our heads, its similar to life in the Dominican Republic how parents sacrifice for their children so that they can take care of them and themself in the future. I was also starting to get a weird vibe as to why Sophie kept hinting at the fact that she shared no resemblance with her mother. We find out that Sophie’s mother was raped and thats how she was born. I wonder if this will be brought up again or if Sophie would sheer away from guys knowing what happened to her mother.

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