Breath, Eyes, Memory 1- 4

I find Sophie to be a well-mannered and humble child. She is respectful to her Tante Atie whom took very good care of her while her mother was living in America. Tante Atie showed Sophie much love; Sophie also showed Tante Atie much love in return. Although their family seemed to be a small family, they were kind and loving to each other. This is evident from the Grandmother down to Sophie.

The scene that appeals to me most is when Sophie made a mother’ day card for her Tante Atie, and she even attached a flower to the front of the card to show her love and appreciation to a good mother. Tante Atie refused to accept the card, she believed that Sophie’s mother—Martine deserved to have the card more than her. I Believe Tante Atie did not feel special to take care of her niece that also makes her happy by doing chores around the home while being a good girl overall.

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