In the beginning there is a little girl named Sophie who lives with her aunt Tante Atie in Croix-des-Rosets, Haiti because her mother Martine lives in New York. Sophie is disappointed by Atie refusal to come read with her in school. Atie never learned to read and she thinks she’s too old to learn to read. So, mothers day is coming up and Sophie wants to give Atie a card that she make with a daffodil on it and a poem inside. But, Atie refuses to read the card or even open it because she feels that it should be given to her real mother Martine. She said she will only accept cards on Aunt’s day. Later on, Atie gets a package from Martine and it is a plane ticket and a cassette with instructions on to send Sophie to New York. Now, what stuck out to me is the bond between Sophie and her aunt Atie. Sophie doesn’t even know her mother she has only seen her in photographs. You can tell how hurt Atie was because she was crying and you can also tell that Sophie doesn’t want to go. I feel like you can’t just take a child out of their comfort zone and just expect them to be okay or the same they were with the other person, It’s kind of selfish. Also, you can obviously see that Atie doesn’t want Sophie to go