The novel “Breath, Eyes, Memory” by Edwidge Danticat is about a girl named Sophie and she is the main character. Sophie is Haitian and she lives with her aunt Atie. Both Sophie and her aunt Atie live in Croix-des-Rosets, Haiti and also Sophie is 12. Although the story is just starting I noticed that the author is giving the reader a better idea of who these characters are and what they are even reading about. Continuing on that thought, what stood out to me the most is the mention that Atie can’t read because Danticat probably has this in not only to have it relate to the plot of the story some way, but also give more descriptions to her characters. Sophie tries to persuade Atie into taking the night classes that are offered at the school she herself attends but it never works because Atie just makes excuses about going. Sophie mom sends a ticket for her to come join her back in New York but Atie tries to keep this a secret because she is shocked she will lose the child she basically raised. Sophie finally finds out though and she is shocked herself but she literally doesnt have a choice and she has to get ready to leave.