I Tituba, 12-end

The end of this novel in many ways was symbolic of the entire book itself. The up’s and downs were almost never ending as well as Tituba’s unrelenting lust for men that almost always brought her some sort of sad misfortune. In the last few months of her life, Things seemed like they could almost turn out well for Tituba seeing as how she found a man by the name of Iphigene who though was much younger was a stable force in her life. There meeting was due to his horrendous beatings which left him with over 250 lashes all over his body. over time she healed him up which made him look at her as mother figure even thinking she was his mother when we first awoke. over time he got to full health where the two conspired to stage a revolt. not to mention she was pregnant with Christopher’s baby. As the novel comes to a close some how some way, Tituba finds herself romantically involved with Iphigene. The Morning after this ironically would be where both of there lives would after being found out. Tituba’s tumultuous life couldn’t have really ended any other way. In her own words, she opens the 15th chapter on a note stating “Do i have to go on to the end? Hasn’t the reader already guessed what is going to happen? So predictable, so easily predictable!” A submission to the reader that her fate really will not go any other way.

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