I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem Chapter 13 to the End of Pt. II

I would truly recommend I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem to anyone who likes stories/books with drama. I can’t help but feel that Tituba’s life was a tragic one. So many times in the story she would fall in love with men who eventually would lead her to her own downfall. After all of her failed attempts at trying to find a man who would love her, you would have thought that Tituba would finally heed Mama Yaya and Abena warnings about men, but unfortunately no. She falls in love again and this time with a young boy named Iphigene. Iphigene would be the man who would ultimately lead Tituba to her death. The two of them was planning a rebellion against the plantation owners in Barbados, numerous times in the final chapter Tituba would get a bad feeling about the rebellion and would try to warn Iphigene about it but he wouldn’t listen. Because of his ignorance the cabin they were staying in was set in fire, they escaped the flaming cabin only to found out that they were surrounded by soldiers (who had known about their plan), at last Tituba’s life who come to an end.

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