The part that stood out to me was when she asked mama yaya is this the price to pay for freedom and mama yaya asked her “you talk about freedom, have you any idea what it means”. this part stood out to me because out of all the people around her even the maroons, Tituba was experiencing the most freedom. The slaves had no freedom, the maroons had to hide themselves so they didnt have much freedom either. although she just wanted better for her unborn child she seemed to be ungrateful and greedy and it ended up costing her her life and her unborn child. also when mama yaya tells her she still cant live without a man, even though Iphigene was young, she was right. Throughout the story Tituba has been very dependent on the male figures that was around her. even her death she depends on iphigene to help better life for her and even when she depends on a man they cause her suffering. for example with john indian, she depended on him for love and intimacy, but ended up being hurt as he sided with her accusers and didn’t defend her. Also when she slept with Iphigene, this shows that although she was a strong person, sex was her weakness. For Tituba sex had no age, no race, no religion, and no wrong. although she saw Iphigene as a son to her she still slept with him.