Blog 8 Tituba

Tituba has the fortune of being bought by an old wealthy Jew. Lucky for her she soon finds out he has the means to possibly get her back to Barbados. She is bought to care for his kids due to the death of his wife, she soon finds herself dull circle  back into needing the affections of a man after the horrid experience she had with John Indian, who by the way has moved on with a white woman to another city. After having the affair with her master his house burns and his kids die. He attributes this to the fact that he refuses to give tituba her freedom. He gives tituba her freedom but for a moment tituba hesitates, she weighs her freedom against, love, lust and sex once again. If it wasn’t for her master insisting in her taking her freedom she would have remained in Salem. She eventually finds her way back to Barbados where trouble is starting to greet her again.

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