Here Tituba meets Hester.

Hester’s character is very interesting and Tituba obviously bonds with her. What makes her so different is the fact that Hester defies all of the constraints of society with her rebellious personality. She’s goes as far as saying “Its not her society”, and calls herself an outcast. Although her outcast title comes from the fact that she had a mind of her own and was very opinionated, she was an outcast none the less just like Tituba.

Of course adultery is an extreme act, especially in those days, but Hester doesn’t cower in the face of her punishment. She also seems to despise men – saying that their gender seems to give them special privileges, which was true. Her ways may seem like feminism, and even though mentioned in the book, her ‘feminsm’ then is normal rights for women today. And can you really blame Hester for her thought process? Because she seemed to be raised in a family that thought women and men should be equals – which was something very different for the times.

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