I, Tituba Black Witch of Salem 8-12 PT.II

Benjamin Cohen, a Jewish merchant is introduced in these chapters and it is important to note the similarities between him and Hester. Like Hester, Cohen has been persecuted but because of being Jewish. However, the difference between both Tituba and Hester is that Cohen, unlike them, puts blame on himself while they see themselves as victims. Cohen believes that he is being punished for being unfaithful to God. It is interesting to see a different dynamic as a white male being incorporated into the story that is also being oppressed.

It is also interesting to point out the racist Christian ship captain that would only agree to take Tituba to Barbados if she used her abilities to heal the sick and manipulate the winds to his needs. Hypocrisy is being shown through the actions and selfish desires of the ship captain.

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