Venice Golding- I, Tituba (10) 2-7 of PART II

The significant moment that I read was when Tituba and Hester prepared her testimony. This testimony had something to do with what  John Indian told Tituba to do to survive. He told her that whatever names the Puritans wanted that she should give up the names of others whether it was true of false that they were practicing witchcraft.  I wondered to myself as to why Tituba would befriend another person like she did Hester. Hadn’t she learned her lessons from Elizabeth, Betsey and Abigail, how she once cared for them and they turned on her. I found this moment significant because this was the only way Tituba was going get revenge for herself for all that they had done to her. Since she was now captured she could not go out and get herbs to make a potion, make a sacrifice or do any chanting as that would have further sealed her fate. so the only way really was to get a revenge and give up the names of those that had wronged her. This led to a bigger turmoil as it seems the entire village of Salem started to turn on each other and everyone started to suspect their neighbor. All this I felt as though one should have given up the names of a few of the ministers so they too could suffer for there cruel acts.

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