Tituba Chapters 10-1

Tituba is seen in the beginning often thinking of evil things and thinking about using her powers to get out of her horrible situation. This is a side of her we have yet to see she seems more malicious. When Sarah, the other slave, begged of her to use her power to get rid of her master, Tituba refuses but for a moment she hears Sarahs voice as her own echos and thinks about the benefits of using her powers for evil. An ironic scene was when sarah hutchinson ask tituba to use her evil power to punish the person who stole from her by killing their first born child. This was ironic because Tituba was the one that comitted the crime and she already did kill her first child. In this part of the reading we see alot more people asking Tituba for these mischievous favors and soon turn on her once she says no. I wonder if those same people that ask of these favors would turn on her/snitch if she were to carry out on these favors that they ask for.

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