I, Tituba chapter 10- part 2 Janelle Alleyne

The part that stood out most to me was the scene where Tituba went to Betsy and asked her who turned her against her and she bit her until she bled, then Betsy questions the things that she did to protect her. This part stood out to me because throughout the book Tituba has shown herself to be kind and very protective of Betsy and Goodwife Paris and for Betsy to then question her intentions, made me feel very surprised at her. From the moment where she was first introduced in the book and Tituba saw how they were treated she did all the can do to protect them. Its like even after all she did Betsy had the nerve to question her intentions as if they were bad. By Tituba’s show of emotion, i was moved. I saw how upset she was and it made me upset as well like how could you. Another thing that stood out to me was the fact that Samuel Paris constantly reminded Tituba that if she is the one cause the behavior of the children he will have her hanged, but then at the end of part one he tells her she is not worthy of the rope and they then sexually assault her. My first point is that Samuel Paris, who is a minister, to be constantly threatening Tituba that he will have her hanged but then when she is accused he tells her shes not worthy of the rope. Its shows that he sees her as worthless. He doesn’t see her as a person with feelings and emotion but as just this thing that brings nothing but evil and bad fortune. my second point is how could these men who are of high status, and see themselves as self righteous engage in such a heinous act. It shows how reversed this story really is. The people who are expected to do right are more evil than the ones who are accused of being evil.

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