After leaving Barbados Tituba John Indianand the Parris family settled for the winter in Boston, it was a very trying time for the family, Mr. Parris wasn’t earning an income only John Indian was bringing in a meager few dollars, stealing scraps of food and bringing them home under his coat, they were literally starving, and Mrs. Parris was getting even more ill. At one point she almost died if it wasn’t for the healing hands of Tituba.
Eventually Mr. Parris got a church to pastor in Salem, they moved there, and Tituba witnessed a hanging of an old lady that brought back memories of her own mother’s death. She connects with the spiritual world once more and started to practice her witchcraft again, inadvertently she is leaking information to the outside through Betsey who tells her friends about Tituba’s stories about the devil and her ability to cure the sick. She became alarmed when Mary Walcott started to inquire about her abilities and asked her if she was a witch, I can already see the implication this association is going to create for Tituba.