It occurs to me that, the white men who were slave masters used the Christian religion to hide their evil deeds but they are really the devil themselves. I believe this type of conduct is merely deception to the poor slaves that are being encouraged or forced into knowing God through Christianity.
Tituba was accused of performing curses through witchcraft on several children, the ones she dearly looks after and protects. Four respected high ranking men of the church— including Pastor Samuel Paris, met to pass their own judgment on Tituba. They veiled themselves in black with only eyes exposed to hide their identity to perform wrong doing. The four men tied and tortured Tituba, they punched her in the face and inflict pain through her genital with a sharp stick while mocking her that it is her husband Indian’s prick (pp.91-3).
The act the men performed was more evil than what Satan himself would perhaps do to anyone. When Tituba helped her master’s wife to become well from her illness, Paris did not have any suspicion of Tituba being a witch; yet, he is quick to persecute her for the accusation bestowed upon her now. I named Samuel Paris,Tituba ’s master, the “Evil Pastor” for being so wicked. These cruel white men had no respect for humanity let alone respect for women once they are slaves and black.
Rupert I strongly agree with you apparently the pastors can see the speck in Tituba’s. However, theory cannot see the log in theirs. Perhaps there are not reading from the same Bible
Thank you Sonia for also seeing my point.