I, Tituba Chapter 1-4

The story started on the Christ the King a ship traveling to Barbados, Tituba mom Abena was raped and this is how she was conceived. She came into the world as a result of a violent act to a slave, and was destined for a life of suffering. Raised by a mother who showed no love for her and a stepfather who regained his desire to live, after he was given a pregnant Abena as his wife, Tituba was loved by her stepfather.

Tituba’s mother was hanged and her stepfather committed suicide  when she was still a child, she was ostracized, and threw off the plantation. She was taken in by a witch named Mama Yaya, one day she had a vision, and saw her mother and father and spoke to them, there her mom made amends for the lack of love she showed her in life. With excitement Tituba told Mama Yaya the “dream”. There Mama Yaya and Tituba discovered her ability to talk to the invisible and her training as a witch began.

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