Venice Golding- I Tituba Chapters 5-9

The significant moment that I found in these chapters was when Tituba, Betsey and Abigail were coming from the Wharf and saw a gathering of people surrounding someone that was about to be hanged. It caused Tituba to remember her mother that she had lost at a tender age by the same manner of execution. The same way how the people had gathered around and watched as Goody Glover died was the same memory in which she remembers her mother Abena’s death so many years ago. The fact that she cried so much at the sight I believe wasn’t so much that she felt sorry for her, I believe she cried bitterly because she remembered the pain that she went through and the horror that she had to witness at such a young age. I believe that this moment was significant because when Abigail told Tituba about the act that Goody Glover had done and that her punishment was befitting because she was a witch, it was the fist time that Tituba got to see the reality and the serious punishment that would be imposed on witches when they were exposed. She did not think that she was a witch though she had to keep most of what she did a secret because she would have fallen to the same fate, because her master and everyone in that community seem like overly religious saints that would not approve of her practices.

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