Venice Golding- I Tituba Chapters 1-4

So far I am enjoying the text. There are many areas that I find interesting, however, the significant moment that I will bring up is when Abena defended herself against Darnell Davis when he wanted to have sex with her. I believe she defended herself against him for many different reasons such as; not wanting to  subject her body to be abused by the hands of another cruel white man, not wanting her daughter to have to witness an obscene act like like that especially at such a young age, having to bear another humiliation, and for her, the awful possibility of being pregnant by another white man. I found this moment significant because again it was another slave woman defending herself and not showing fear for the consequences of her actions. In doing this that was probably her way of showing her daughter Tituba that she should never allow a man or anyone to take advantage of her or force her to do anything that she didn’t wanted to do. Her actions though had very serious repercussions as she lost her life, she only gave him a gash on his shoulder, while reading I thought to myself that she should have gone “all the way with the cutlass” at least then it would’ve seemed that the crime  fitted the punishment.

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