I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem Ch1-4

It appears that Tituba’s love for John Indian dwindles into nothing more than sex. This is portrayed in the text when she loses respect for John especially when he is so willing and subservient to Susanna Endicott. Tituba is repeatedly humiliated just to stay with him. Further in the text, Tituba displays power over Susanna by using her witchcraft to make her sick. Unfortunately, her attempts to claim power over Susanna is diminished when Susanna catches wind of this and banishes John and Tituba. Tituba was also warned by her mentor Mama Yaya not to get into a relationship with John but did it anyway. I believe this may be a reoccurring theme in the text and may foreshadow Tituba’s sorcery and sexual desires only ending in her demise.

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