The final pages of The History of Mary Prince gives insight on what was going on with Mary’s vs Mr. Wood’s case. The documents not only reveal Wood’s embarrassment and outrage as well as his attacks on Prince’s morals, but they also show the extent to which it became necessary to defend Prince’s character in order to maintain the veracity of her account and the abolitionist message it promotes. What I found interesting was on page 44 when it says “Her husband, he says, has taken another wife; ‘so that on that score, ‘he adds, ‘he does her no injury.’” I believe Mr. Woods was a very jealous man because he wanted Mary to himself. Woods wrote to his friend after Mary left them in England to make up lies about her being with another man. He didn’t want to see Mary happy; every time she was even the slightest bit of happy he had to do something to hurt her. I believe that he was having sex (rape) with Mary (which the book doesn’t discuss) and was very mad that she got married. He thought that Mary didn’t deserve and true freedom or happiness at all. When approached multiple times to sell Mary he would decline and not sell her.