Mary Prince 20-41 – Frank Lopez

The part that I found most interesting was when Mary Prince went to England with her master and mistress, at that point she was suffering heavily with her rheumatism but they payed no mind to it. They thought she was lying and being lazy, which was obviously not true. They forced her to do tasks that she could not do and her owners asked her to leave the house for the third time, and she did as they asked. She left them and never came back but what was odd is that they didn’t actually want her to leave and never gave her freedom. She was technically a free woman in England but not in her native place and she wanted that. They tried to persuade her owners to give her freedom, they even offered them a big amount of money but still they did not give in. They didn’t love her or anything of that matter, so why didn’t they just take the money and let her go? That shows that they wanted to toy with her mentally and make the rest of her life insufferable.

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