Mary Prince 1-19

Story started off kind and heart warming especially for that period in time, in which the most horrendous things were going on. The narrator begins speaking about running along with Betsey holding hands and being so innocent and full of life to not understand the true meaning of the words Betsey would say as they ran around. Sadly though she had to be sold off and this is when I figured all the horrible stuff you usually hear about attached to slavery, would become her life. Mary was very fortunate though to be sent to a new home in which the owners were very kind to her as well. She got to care for a baby child there and was very fond of the family and they liked her as well. Unfortunately they couldn’t afford to keep her and she was sold off, again, which pained her even more because she was becoming well attached to this new family and they just got yanked away from her. Most stories and details that come to a person’s mind when they think about slavery is the whippings and the beatings. Mary’s story though starts off in a joyful sort of mood and leaves you gasping every time you hear of her being sold off. Its so heart warming to see a slave story start off in such a good mood but then all those good feelings are pulled right out of you just like Mary was from her homes. Makes you feel the emotional pain she felt after being in basically heaven. This pain and sorrow can be seen even with Betsey surprisingly a white woman who “owned” Mary and is now tearing because of this. It makes me wonder whether Mary’s emotional pain surpassed her physical pain and whether the thoughts of the emotional pain would linger during beatings to sort off, cushion the blow.

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