History of mary prince (1-19)

                              History of Mary prince (pg.1-19)

In the beginning of the book the author expresses how happy she, was being owned by her master miss Betsey, who treated her almost like a sister, and being able to spend time with her mother and her other siblings. We also see how deeply they all felt for each other when her and her siblings was being sold to new owners; not only them as relatives, but also compassion from the other slaves in the yard. These two instances are important to me because I feel that they have a huge impact on the authors point that; despite the fact that they were viewed as commodities by their owners they didn’t think of themselves in that manner, as they were capable of showing affection towards each other as well as draw strength from the love they had for each other. We see this when the author’s father brought her back to her master after she had ran away, and he told the master that she ran away because she was being ill-treated, while in the same breathe pleading to him not to punish her for running away. She saw how much her dad cared for her which then gave her the strength to stand up and somewhat voice her opinion.

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