Although I have read and was told a lot of stories about slavery, the stories told by Mary Prince is more heart wrenching in comparison. The stories I came across are usually about men in slavery and the hardship they endured from the time of their voyage to their Master’s property.
The tell tale of Mary Prince’s experience as a slave made me very sad and angered like I had never felt from reading stories about slavery; perhaps because she was a woman that has undergone so much ill-treatment, or perhaps because the facts about how women were treated were hidden, while, the stories about men were told.
Mary along with her mother were fortunate to be bought by Capt. Darrel who took her home to his loving wife for his grand daughter. Both slaves were treated well by Mrs. Williams and Betsey— the grand daughter.
Mary’s experience went from much love and happiness to turmoil, torchure, grief, and ill- treatment. My sadness and anger started to grow as I was reading the last paragraph on page 5 when Mrs. Pruden had to send Mary back to her master, Mr. Williams to be sold, and to be completely separated from her family and happiness, including that of his old grandchild to raise money to get married to another woman.
On page 6 the last paragraph began with the most powerful, compelling, and hurtful statement ”The black morning at length came; it came too soon for my poor mother and us.” It is unimaginable for a mother that loves her children have to be the one to dress them to be sold in her own presence for the highest dollar, like animals; knowing she may never see them again. This situation is like watching your own child getting killed in-front of your own eyes and you cannot help but suffer the grief.
The sufferings of Mary got worse as she moved from master to master to the point she almost died; she moved from love to suffering. Mary was a tough woman, despite all she has gone through, she gained strength towards the end of her journey and her return to her homeland; to start fighting back. I believe she was courageous, strong and brave. I also think God was with her through it all. Maybe it was an act of God to cease flood on the land of her persecutors.