Indraine Ramdut – The History of Mary Prince (Pages 1-19)

The History of Mary Prince is one of the most intense novels I’ve ever read so far. I’m only 19 pages into the book and it has definitely made me feel overwhelmed. The part that really made me cringe was when Mary Prince describesĀ Hetty’s sufferings. Hetty, one of the other slave’s Mary knew, had a tragic death. She was pregnant when their master, Mr. I, beat her with “cow-skin” because she did not tie the cow properly, which madeĀ it run away. Even when he was tired, he waited and then continued. Unfortunately, she then went into “labour” due to all the punishment, resultingĀ in the fetus beingĀ lifeless. Her body never recovered from that day and continued to get worse by the other tortures she endured. The book states that she died as “‘water burst out of her body.” As I read this, I had to stop reading for a moment because I could not stop imagining it. Mary’s fellow “slaves” claimed that “death was a good thing for poor Hetty.” I believe that in certain situations, death is better than living. When death occurs for people like Hetty, alongside all the other people that died from these forms of punishment, they are finally at peace. And honestly, I’m sure all they wanted was peace.Ā 

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