Andell Browne Mary Prince pages 1-19 Blog 1

The event that stood out and was significant to me personally was the last two paragraphs on pages 6 and the first two on pages 7, it was touching, and I felt the emotions and the pains of Mary’s mom, having to dress your own kids to be sold! Not knowing if you would ever see them again. I am a father and I could put myself in her position, which had to be the most heart wrenching pain next to the death of a child for a parent.
I am a descendant of slaves so slavery would always be a part of my history, reading this evokes thoughts and emotions and highlights the pain and suffering our forefathers went through. So we should treasure the sacrifices that was made to bring us to this point today and never take want we have for granted, we have it easy in comparison but we didn’t get it easy.
Some slaves were strong and some broke and it’s comes as no surprise that eventually Mary Prince’s mother broke, obviously it was too much for her to cope with both the mental and physical abuse, she lost her freedom, her kids and finally her mind, I knew that slavery was horrible, but what she described was a whole other devil to me.

One thought on “Andell Browne Mary Prince pages 1-19 Blog 1

  1. I do understand all that you are saying. however, when I was reading this text I was so angry in my sprit. I know that Mary’s mother was not educated. yet, she would have gain insight and encountered the brutal experience of being a slave. Then explain to me Why would she want to make ten children to experience the same fait? The text did not said that she got pregnant by her master, she had a husband. Therefore, she know that her children will also be slaves, loose their freedom, abuse and misused.

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