Exponential Population Growth (& World Population Growth Rates)

This post follows up on the question on Exam #3, regarding an exponential model for the world’s population. The first part is a review of the math we’ve discussed for exponential population growth (or decay) models. The second part discusses

Part I: Exponential Population Growth

This “mathematical model” of population growth assumes that the population in question grows (or decreases) at a constant rate over every time period. For example, on the exam, you were asked to assume that the world’s population is growing at a rate of 1.2% every year.

Given such a constant growth rate, we discussed why the resulting model is an exponential growth model, with the population at time t given by the function

P(t) = P_0 (1+r)^t

where r is the constant growth rate (as a decimal, e.g., r = 1.2% = 0.012 on the exam question), and P_0 is the initial population.

Hence, the function for the exam question, where the initial (current) population was given as 7 billion, is

P(t) =7 (1.012)^t

(In the notation of the textbook,

f(x) = c (1+r)^x, where c is the initial population.)

A typical exercise is to solve for the amount of time it takes for the population to double, in which case we need to solve the following equation for t:

P(t) =P_0 (1+r)^t = 2*P_0

We can solve for t do this by canceling the factor ofP_0, and then taking the logarithm of both sides and applying the log properties to “bring down” the variable t, so that we have

t \log (1+r) = \log 2 \Longrightarrow t = \frac{\log 2}{\log (1+r)}

(Compare with the solutions to Exam 3, with the specific numbers for that exercise plugged in.)

Part II: World Population Growth Rates

(To be updated!  I’ll expand on the discussion we had in class on Monday, based on the data found on http://www.worldometers.info/world-population)

One thought on “Exponential Population Growth (& World Population Growth Rates)

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