My trip to “MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art,” was a great experience. The exterior of the building was very modern; glass windows and doors. There were colorful lighted trees surrounding the museum and the atmosphere was very clean. The interior of the building was very modern as well; sculptures hang from the ceilings, screens of projections everywhere and the place was extremely clean. The name “The Museum of Modern Art,” really sets its meaning for the building, it is very modern in many aspect and unique in its designs.

This building also consists of eight floors, on every floor there are helpful pamphlets and customer service representatives. On the first floor there was a checkroom where visitors may leave their coats and bags as they looked around the museum, I found that quite helpful. Every floor is unique in its own way because every floor has its own different field of art work statues. The second floor consist of “Prints and Illustrated Books,” from the 1980s to now. The third floor has “Drawings, Photography, Architecture and Design.” The fourth and fifth floor contains “Painting and Sculpture I and II,” from the 1940s to 1980s. As for the sixth floor, it is a “Special Exhibitions,” also known as the gift shop. Finally, the last two floors are the basements of the museum; they are the “Theatre Gallery I, II and III.”

This museum was great and all however, the only thing that upset me was the guards there. The guards kept following me as I looked through the gallery, it made me feel very uncomfortable. Another thing that annoyed me was that every time I took pictures from a well distanced position, the guards would come over and tell me not to get too close.  I know my distance and I know the rules therefore, I will follow them, it felt like the guards were being racist. My recommendation would be to allow the viewer’s more space to view the art works and if the guards are so afraid of people touching the work then provide a boarder guides.

Besides the guards, everything in the museum was perfect. MoMA is a very exciting museum and I would recommend anyone interested in modern art to visit. Click here:

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