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Fruitful Functions

Fermat’s Last Theorem states that no three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than two.

First problem.

1. Write a function named check_fermat that takes four parameters—a, b, c and n and that checks to see if Fermat’s theorem holds. If n is greater than 2 and it turns out to be true that an + bn = cn the program should print, “Fermat was right!” Otherwise the program should print, “No, that doesn’t work.”

2. Write a function that prompts the user to input values for a, b, c and n, converts them to integers, and uses check_fermat to check whether they violate Fermat’s theorem.


Second problem.

In addition to the first problem, your code should let user make input and therefore to produce result.

Hint: use the built-in function <<raw_input>> and make the user input always be an integer.



PygLatin is a language game, where you move the first letter of the word to the end and add “ay.” So “Python” becomes “ythonpay.”. In PygLatin words in English are altered. It is an assignment designed to help us with conditionals and control flow.

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