Mid-term Project

The medium of photography has radically altered the ways in which we see ourselves and others. From the daguerreotype to the selfie, the ability to make photographs of our friends & family, prominent social figures, downtrodden masses, celebrities, world leaders, or so-called “primitive” cultures has cultivated new understandings of different cultures, including our own.

In the coming weeks we’ll examine some of the ways in which photographic portraits can be used to express our individual and collective cultural identities.

We will work collaboratively to make a series of photographs, expressing identity through a variety of strategies. Considered individually, each picture should express the personality of the sitter, while revealing something of the history or circumstances that have shaped them. As a collective, class-wide effort, our work will undoubtedly articulate something of the rich cultural diversity permeating the City Tech community.

**Willingness to participate in group shooting and brainstorming sessions, and an openness to share something of yourself and your personal life with classmates, will be as important to the project as your ability to frame and properly expose your photographs.

The multi-dimensional nature of this project will demand full participation in classroom work sessions and careful planning for homework assignments. We’ll adhere to the following agenda:

Week 5 / February 26
Studio Session 1 – Impromptu Portrait; collaborate with peer group to create photos on a plain background, using light and expression to express identity; discuss captions.

For Week 6 – Collaborate to shoot an environmental portrait; an individual within surroundings that express cultural identity / Draft captions / Bring props for self-portrait to class.

Week 6 / March 4
Studio Session 2 – Self-portrait; collaborate with peer group to create photos that express cultural identity, using clothing, props, backdrops to express meaning; discuss captions.

For Week 7 – Collaborate to shoot an environmental self-portrait; place yourself within surroundings that express cultural identity, shoot with a peer / Draft captions / Bring $10 or inkjet paper to class.

Week 7 / March 11
Edit, Print & Caption – Work in groups to make final selections; color correct, crop, resize and print photos; Review and refine captions

For Week 8 – Complete and print captions, upload final versions of 4 selected photos

Week 8 / March 18
Review & Critique – Present final prints; group discussion

To successfully complete the mid-term project, each student will be required to submit the following materials.

– 4 printed photographs:
      1 studio portrait, shot in collaboration with peers
      1 studio self-portrait involving props, shot in collaboration with peers
      1 environmental portrait, shot in collaboration with a peer or member of your community
      1 environmental self-portrait
– 4 corresponding captions, typed and printed on a single sheet of paper
– 40-50 images for every selected photograph, for a total of 160-200 images, uploaded to Flickr.
– Final, color-corrected, cropped images for all 4 selected photographs, uploaded to Flickr.

Grading for the assignment will be based on technical proficiency displayed in shooting, color-correcting and printing your photographs, along with your contributions to the dialog and working method established within your peer groups.
Technical considerations will include:
 – Exposure & Lighting
 – Framing & Composition
 – Ability to capture expression and/or cultural meaning
 – Color Correction & File Management
 – Print Quality

Collaborative contributions will be considered according to:
 – Quality of Written Captions
 – Openness to diverse experience or interactions
 – Knowledge & empathy toward cultural perspectives
 – Contributions to team environments
 – Facilitating input from others