Introduction (My Earliest Projects 2013-2014)


1- The Ticking Clock

Software used: Visual Logic.

Description: One of my first class presentations that shows how a digital clock works

Snapshot: Clock


2- Text File Analyzer

Software used: Netbeans.

Description: One of my first Java codes that takes a “.txt” file as input, then outputs how many lines and characters, as well as the longest word it contains.

Java code:

3- Games That I created (Using Alice 2.4)

Fish Game: Take control of a fish that scores up each time he eats a smaller fish. but be                careful of the sharks around. A video of the game:

CowBoy Game: A short logical succession of events where you play a stranger that enters a         small Western city and delivers its inhabitants from a threat that endangers them.

The character in the game can:

  • interact with people by clicking on them
  • shoot up to 6 bullets before running out of bullets
  • reload the gun when the gun is empty
  • move freely in all directions
  • 3rd person view (camera behind the character)
  • A video of the game:  

4- Animations that I’ve created:

Harry Potter Animation Project (Using Alice 2.4)

It was a class project.I designed the characters and and I animated the scenes from  3:18 to the end. (paricularly proud of my VolDeMort. I found a way to design characters that isn’t in any manual out there on the net.)


5- JFrame: Restaurant Menu Mini Software

The .jar file opens a window that calculates the total amount during check out in a restaurant


6- Web Design:

A class project about making a personal website. It includes HTML, CSS, JScript.

The folder is in .zip format, you can either extract the files or execute them without extraction:


7- Android App Development (Snapshot Gallery):

Software used: Eclipse (with Android SDK)