Currently Working on “Butt in the Chair” iOS App (made with XCode)

An app for writers. It tracks their word count per project and time spent writing. it provides a graphical view of their progress where the image of a chair is filled up (like a thermometer) as the writer approaches his word count goal. It also provides them with several tools to generate automated data that they can export to Excel files.

The app is under Copyright for InkedVoices and will be released soon for iOS all platforms.

Capture Capture2 Capture3 Capture4 Capture5

Introduction (My Earliest Projects 2013-2014)


1- The Ticking Clock

Software used: Visual Logic.

Description: One of my first class presentations that shows how a digital clock works

Snapshot: Clock


2- Text File Analyzer

Software used: Netbeans.

Description: One of my first Java codes that takes a “.txt” file as input, then outputs how many lines and characters, as well as the longest word it contains.

Java code:

3- Games That I created (Using Alice 2.4)

Fish Game: Take control of a fish that scores up each time he eats a smaller fish. but be                careful of the sharks around. A video of the game:

CowBoy Game: A short logical succession of events where you play a stranger that enters a         small Western city and delivers its inhabitants from a threat that endangers them.

The character in the game can:

  • interact with people by clicking on them
  • shoot up to 6 bullets before running out of bullets
  • reload the gun when the gun is empty
  • move freely in all directions
  • 3rd person view (camera behind the character)
  • A video of the game:  

4- Animations that I’ve created:

Harry Potter Animation Project (Using Alice 2.4)

It was a class project.I designed the characters and and I animated the scenes from  3:18 to the end. (paricularly proud of my VolDeMort. I found a way to design characters that isn’t in any manual out there on the net.)


5- JFrame: Restaurant Menu Mini Software

The .jar file opens a window that calculates the total amount during check out in a restaurant


6- Web Design:

A class project about making a personal website. It includes HTML, CSS, JScript.

The folder is in .zip format, you can either extract the files or execute them without extraction:


7- Android App Development (Snapshot Gallery):

Software used: Eclipse (with Android SDK)