Partner’s new Audience for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay

Farzana Khan

March 1st, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Partner Review Part II


Audience: In my partner’s essay, he writes about the troubles of searching for a purpose within his life. The stance that he has taken is somewhat of what I would take. The difficulties of living with one’s self without a purpose is like not living at all and we should strive to find our goals for our own happiness.

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Rhetorical Situation for personal narrative essay

Farzana Khan

March 1st, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Rhetorical Situation for personal narrative essay

5 Parts of a Rhetorical Situation

Purpose: To persuade individuals to search for a lifelong purpose.

Audience: Young Adults

Genre: Personal Narrative Essay

Stance: Troubles of finding one’s self

Media & Design: Typed paper


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Partners Freewrite

Farzana Khan

Feb 5th, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Partners Freewrite


I was born in Bangladesh. I lived with mommy and daddy in a big yellow house with an orange gate. Yellow became my favorite color. Mommy tells me stories about me as a baby. She said I used to play with bugs. Gross! I don’t do that anymore. I am a big girl now. She also said that I didn’t used to cry much either. I was a good baby. Then mommy gave me a little brother. He cried all the time so I couldn’t sleep, but it was ok. He’s my cute little brother. Mommy would let me hold him sometimes and I had to be really careful so I didn’t drop him. It was fun!

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essay 1 draft 2

essay 1 draft 2

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Essay 1 draft 1

essay 1 draft 1

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Essay 1- Outline

Farzana Khan

February 16, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Outline for Essay 1


  1. Introduction

“A man in debt is so far a slave.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Even though being in credit card debt at a young age made me more aware and responsible, it also came with many difficulties to overcome.

  1. Body
  • Stress was a very difficult obstacle to overcome.
  • Having new responsibilities is another obstacle I needed to overcome.
  • Working while going to school is another obstacle I needed overcome.


  • Conclusion

Being in debt at a young age made me more aware and responsible. I am glad that I overcame many obstacles that were ahead of me. I am grateful for the support I received from my family and without them it would’ve been impossible to defeat my debt.

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Essay 1- Intro

Farzana Khan

February 20, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Introduction for Essay 1
At times, I think the world around me is crumbling to the ground, but it never does. Like most people, I face the crunches of deadlines and endless demands on my time, but I have never encountered the type of difficulty that can drive people crazy. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A man in debt is so far a slave” and it is true. I would have never imagined myself in credit card debt at such a young age but it has happened and because of it, I have overcome many obstacles that were put in my path. I have dealt with an immense amount of stress and new responsibilities that I wasn’t quite ready for.  Being in debt has changed me for the better.

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Summary- “Its Hard Enough Being Me”

Farzana Khan

February 15, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Summary: “It’s Hard Enough Being Me”

“It’s Hard Enough Being Me” by Anna Lisa Raya is a short story about a young girl who is going through an identity crisis after moving to America. She spent her childhood years growing up in California and moved to New York to attend college. In New York, she discovers there is another name that people use to define someone like her, which is a Latina. The author portrays herself as being stuck between two worlds, being a Latina and “sellout” which is a word she uses in the short story. Anna has pale skin and green eyes which made her feel like she wasn’t a Latina. Her mother never taught her how to speak Spanish and she felt she didn’t deserve the title of being a Latina. This made her feel as if she doesn’t belong anywhere.

Anna never imagined her life in college being as complicated as it was. She didn’t know who she was as a person and she didn’t know where she was going in life, but she knew she had a reason to find herself. In New York, Anna finds people who call themselves “Nuyorican” which are Puerto Ricans who are born and raised in New York. She discovers they are writers who use the impact of living New York City to motivate their writing and they also share the same background and past conflicts as her. They gave her valuable advice and fortunately she takes it. This was a turning point in Anna’s life and she finally learns that she needs to accept herself for who she is and move on.

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Summary- Ripe Figs

Farzana Khan

February 10, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Ripe Figs Summary


In the essay titled Ripe Figs by Kate Chopin, the main theme addressed is the importance of time between two different female characters, one who is a teenager and one who is an elderly woman. Both characters measure time differently and this creates a contrasting personality between them.  This also brings the comparison between time and nature showing how each character perceives the passage of time with signs in nature. Chopin further delivers the message of patience. Maman is described as “patient as a statue” in the passage, which is reveals her to be very easy going and composed whereas Babette is at the opposite end of the spectrum. Chopin wrote a very brief story with many themes that have more than one meaning and she has given us the opportunity to learn from them.

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Rhetorical Situation for Ripe Figs by Kate Chopin

Farzana Khan

February 7th, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Rhetorical Situations on Ripe Figs by Kate Chopin


  1. The purpose of this novel is for the audience to understand the importance of time in one’s life. The author also talks about patience as the time it takes for figs to ripen.
  2. The audience for this short story can be anyone but more specifically those who are impatient such as teenagers.
  3. The stance the author, Kate Chopin takes is the importance of patience. She allows readers to understand this by her symbolism on how time flies faster when one becomes older.
  4. The genre of this short story would most likely be historical fiction.
  5. The media the author publishes this short story in is print.
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